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Infermiera per MSC CROCIERE

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La MSC Crociere è una compagnia di navigazione, dedita al mercato delle crociere, con sede a Ginevra e sedi operative a Napoli, Genova e Venezia. La compagnia, a capitale interamente svizzero, impiega circa 15 500 dipendenti in tutto il mondo e ha uffici in 45 Paesi. L'attuale ammiraglia della flotta è MSC Meraviglia, entrata in servizio nel giugno del 2017.


In accordance with the department policies and under the supervision of the Doctor, the Nurse have exceptional skills and knowledge and have a passion in providing a high quality and level of nursing care and service for guests and crewmembers at the medical facility on board..


• Ensure safe and high-quality patient care that is in line with MSC Cruises values and policies.

• Ability to work part of the multi-disciplinary team to ensure best care for patients.

• Maintain a positive workplace culture.

• Be supportive and promote ongoing learning and education for allstaff in the unit.

• Actively participate in quality improvement projects for the source

• Maintains the Medical Centre in a permanent state of sanitary cleanliness;

• Maintains accurate inventory of medications/medical supplies/ equipment;

• Performs water analysis and testing, following the standard procedure;

• Performs quick tests and examination if required and in accordance with Doctor’s instructions;

• Operates shore side first-aid service in ports where guests and/or crew may not have access to regular emergency services.

JOB REQUIREMENTS (skills, competencies, experience)

• Fluent English, oral and written. Any additional European language is considered an advantage (Italian, Portuguese, German, Spanish and French);

• Internationally recognized University degree: Bachelor’s in nursing,
    • At least 5 years of Nursing Practice, and at least 3 years in post grad certification in Emergency/ Intensive Cardiovascular or Coronary Care/ Intensive/ Critical Care units
    • At least 1-year At least one year of ACLS clinical interventions
    • At least 1-year performing & clinical interventions with PALS and ATLS

• Holds a current Practicing Registration;

• 2 years’ experience in a similar role at sea is an advantage;

• Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Advanced Life Support or an equivalent certification;

• Pediatric Advanced Life Support or an equivalent certification;

• Advanced Trauma Life Support or an equivalent certification;

• Sexual Assault training valid for International standards (CVSA);

• Solid experience in advanced care medical equipment e.g.: defibrillators, ventilators, patient monitors, sterilizers, etc.;

• Ability to perform electrocardiograms with basic interpretation.;

• Fully competent and able to perform procedures such as administering drugs, phlebotomy, venipuncture, wound treatment, etc.;

• Fundamental knowledge of all Sanitation Standards relating to medical requirements;

• Sound knowledge of responsibilities in relation to food, water and air safety;

• Strong team player;

• Provide a high standard of professionalism and customer service;

• Ability to work well under pressure;

• STCW95 certification is compulsory (basic firefighting, personal survival techniques, elementary first aid, personal security and social responsibility);

• A recognised medical certification is required before starting to work on board.


• Possess a valid passport and when possible a seaman book copy.

La ricerca è rivolta a persone di entrambi i sessi (L.903/77).



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